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Dublin City Mum

Dublin City Mum is an info hub listing kid friendly 

restaurants, fun activities and upcoming events, as well as featuring unique Irish brands and retailers. 

It's a comprehensive guide to Dublin for those who want to explore and enjoy the capital and is fast becoming the go to guide for everything to do with your baby, child and teen. has been designed by me a Mum for parents, grandparents, childminders and for anyone who wakes up and wonders what to do with the kids today. 

About Me

Dublin City Mum

My first baby was born in London and having completed an antenatal class in my area I had a ready made group of mum friends and a million activities on my doorstep. Having returned to Dublin, after almost 10 years in London my second baby was born and I struggled to find things to do. Information online was scarce and I had to dig deep to find out about playgroups and classes, and in general only stumbled upon things by chance or from a chat with other mums. 

Eventually after settling in Dublin with my new baby, I became the information hub for friends and decided to put all my experiences and knowledge into one place. My professional background is in Business Development, Marketing and Events, so it all happened pretty organically. All I needed to do was figure out how to build a website and hence Dublin City Mum was born!

Hopefully this site will become your go to guide for everything to do with your baby, toddler and child in Dublin. Enjoy, I hope you have as much fun exploring Dublin with kids as I do.

Avril White

Contact + Work with Me

To advertise, list your event, brand or collaborate please email or fill in the form below. 


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